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  1. E

    Suggestion Download invoices

    Is there a way to download the invoices in pdf or similar? It would be great if customers could download invoices in PDF or similar format. It would also be nice to be able to place the VAT or calculate the tax
  2. E

    Solved subscription statistics

    I have been using the plugin for a few days and I have noticed that the function that indicates the earnings does not correspond to what is indicated with PayPal by a much lower amount. the monthly report of my paypal account indicates for example 2000€, the plugin indicates 500€ I believe...
  3. E

    Implemented Some Suggestions

    As I said in this other thread 1.- it would be great to have a place to see the subscriptions that expire or are going to be renewed every day with a selectable date. For example choose February 6th and see the...
  4. E

    Addon to calculate the amount earned monthly

    I want a plugin that tells me the daily, monthly and annual total of the subscriptions I have on my website. Also that allows me to deduct the commissions of the payment gateways. In the case of Paypal is 3.5% + €0.35 this should be deducted from each subscription. Maybe add a filter to see...
  5. E

    Solved error in question nodes

    i have this error when forum type is Question and can't create nodes..
  6. E

    Implemented Custom redirection URLs

    Well, basically I want to know if this option can be implemented in the plugin. It would be helpful to have an option like this instead of needing to edit the htaccess all the time. Currently most SEO plugins for wordpress bring this as it is very useful. Basically it is this Redirection |...
  7. E

    Implemented Notifications to the administrator and number of invoices

    Is there an option for the administrator to be notified when a subscription expires? Can the invoice number be removed?
  8. E

    Solved Tags by subforum

    can add predefined tags according to the subforum where the post is published ?
  9. E

    Implemented possibility of generating more than one token

    I currently have 3 types of Token. 2 for administrators and 1 for registered users. In the case of administrators only 1 token appears to generate. How can I generate invitations with the second token? It would be good to add a list with the available tokens and a small legend to reference...
  10. E

    Implemented user group on singup (by invitation code)

    There is currently an option in the plugin to add all users who register to a subgroup. But the ideal function works differently. Regular users have the token A, which they will give to their friends and new users will register without a subgroup. However the administrators will give the token...
  11. E

    Solved I have this error in my log

    ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Undefined index: code src/addons/XenSoluce/InviteSystem/XF/Service/User/Registration.php:12 Generado por: Cuenta desconocida 5 Dic 2019 a las 17:01 Seguimiento #0 src/addons/XenSoluce/InviteSystem/XF/Service/User/Registration.php(12): XF::handlePhpError(8, '[E_NOTICE]...
  12. E

    Implemented is compatible with Upgrade Coupon?

    Hello, these two plugins are compatible with each other? Can I use the duration and then apply coupons? Thanks
  13. E

    Implemented number of invitations per user per month

    Can you set a limit of monthly tokens for users ? I want users to only be able to invite once every 30 days
  14. E

    Implemented personalized invitation codes

    Can generate tokens with the word I want? for example the invitation code can be "CR0QU3T4" ? The idea is to give one-time invitation codes from my instagram
  15. E

    Implemented implement together with the plugin paid registration

    you will implement this plugin with Paid Registrations ? It would be great if when someone buys the "forum access" an invitation is automatically sent to their email. it would be great to add the function of that plugin to this one or make them work together.
  16. E

    Not planned Custom field only for some account updates

    On my website there are different options and functions in the upgrade accounts that have nothing to do with each other. So currently someone who wants VIP access needs to place an email associated with another website by obligation, even if it has nothing to do with what this user wants. It...
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