Recent content by Sadiq6210

  1. S

    Solved Errors after upgrade to PHP v8.0

    Updated to 2.2.1 Fix1 and it seems there is no more errors :) Thanks
  2. S

    Suggestion: Who visited the forum in last xx hours (Including visitors counter)

    I have a suggestion to make a new addon to show who visited the forum in last xx hours including the visitors counter There are several addons that is only showing the members without the counter of visitors Similarly, the built-in widget "members online" is showing the total number (members +...
  3. S

    Solved Errors after upgrade to PHP v8.0

    I renewed the license and updated to 2.2.1 successfully Unfortunately I am still receiving this error when I use PHP8: ErrorException: Template error: [E_WARNING] Attempt to read property "Moods" on null src/addons/XenSoluce/UserMoodsManager/XF/Template/Templater.php:26 Generated by: Unknown...
  4. S

    Solved Errors after upgrade to PHP v8.0

    Thanks for the update :) Tomorrow I will renew the license to be able to download the new update and test it I will give my feedback accordingly :) thanks again
  5. S

    Solved Errors after upgrade to PHP v8.0

    Is there any plan to support PHP8? :) We want to upgrade from PHP7.4 to PHP8.1
  6. S

    Solved Errors after upgrade to PHP v8.0

    Thanks for the update Unfortunately I am still receiving more errors (only in PHP 8) ErrorException: Template error: [E_WARNING] Attempt to read property "Moods" on null src/addons/XenSoluce/UserMoodsManager/XF/Template/Templater.php:26 Generated by: Unknown account 25 Jun 2021 at 12:32 PM...
  7. S

    Solved Errors after upgrade to PHP v8.0

    Hi, I am receiving the below error hundreds times only if I move to PHP8.0, no errors if I select PHP7.3
  8. S

    Solved Enable/Disable is not working

    I can confirm that :) Thanks
  9. S

    Implemented Default mood for all users

    Thanks to implement this, I tried it and it is working, however, there is a small bug I am able to click on the default mood icon for any user, the default mood icon should be clickable only for the user to change his mood Please check :) SyTry
  10. S

    Implemented Mood icon below (message-userExtras)

    I can confirm it is fixed in 2.1.3 (y) Thanks
  11. S

    Implemented Mood icon below (message-userExtras)

    No problem at all ;)
  12. S

    Implemented Mood icon below (message-userExtras)

    Hello, It is better to add small gap between user banner and mood icon, I already added in my forum but I want to highlight it here to fix it in next release :) Thanks
  13. S

    Implemented Remove "Mood" word and move Mood tab

    This code should be removed from template "xs_umm_macros" <div class="xsUmmBanner"> {{ phrase('xs_umm_mood') }} </div>
  14. S

    Implemented Mood icon below (message-userExtras)

    Hello, I feel the current position is not the best position for mood icon in message area: I suggest to move the icon to be after user information "message-userExtras" as shown below: What do you think?
  15. S

    Implemented Remove "Mood" word and move Mood tab

    SyTry The mood word is still showing here only:
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