Recent content by zoldos

  1. zoldos

    Not a bug how do I download version 2.3.2 Fix 2?

    I don't use that feature, so no worries. Thanks for the quick reply!
  2. zoldos

    Not a bug how do I download version 2.3.2 Fix 2?

    Are there any significant changes with 2.4.0? Everything seems to work for my forum so far with the older version. :)
  3. zoldos

    Not a bug how do I download version 2.3.2 Fix 2?

    I'm to understand there's a small fix in version 2.3.2 Fix 2. I'm only able to download Fix 1. And actually, I didn't even see a Fix 2 version. Is it available? How do I obtain it? I'm still using XF 2.2.x. Thanks!
  4. zoldos

    Solved Invite system not checking if valid e-mail upon submit!

    Awesome!! And thanks so much for the extra day. I downloaded it and will check it out.. :D
  5. zoldos

    Solved Invite system not checking if valid e-mail upon submit!

    If I input an invalid e-mail, such as just "frank" for example, and then submit the form to send an invite, it does not check to see if the e-mail is valid and sometimes throws a server error. But it shows nothing to the Admin/Member who is inviting someone (it appears everything is okay, but...
  6. zoldos

    Solved Members inviting other members?

    Perfect, thank you very much for such quick fixes!!
  7. zoldos

    Solved Members inviting other members?

    Got it. I had to create a Token! :) One issue tho, there is no way to add a custom e-mail subject when a regular member sends an invite. It simply shows the Admin's name twice, once for the sender, and then again for the subject! :( Also, the regular member invite method doesn't check to see...
  8. zoldos

    Solved Members inviting other members?

    I can't seem to find a way to allow regular members to invite people. Is this even possible? Thanks!
  9. zoldos

    Solved ParseError: syntax error, unexpected '|', expecting ';' or '{

    Thank you so much!! I plan to upgrade my hosting soon, but I was too anxious to wait! lol
  10. zoldos

    Solved ParseError: syntax error, unexpected '|', expecting ';' or '{

    I found another issue. I seem able to send e-mail invites and create personalized codes. However, when someone tries to register using these codes, I get these two server errors: ParseError: syntax error, unexpected '|', expecting ';' or '{'...
  11. zoldos

    Solved Getting "Please enter a valid e-mail" when inviting from Admin with 2.3.1!

    I tested the new Invite System update. When I attempted to invite someone by e-mail in the AdminCP, I got: Oops! We ran into some problems. Please enter a valid email. I then used my Admin e-mail (just to see, since the one I tried first was not a standard address), and it said the same...
  12. zoldos

    Add-on [Xen-Soluce] Invite System 2.3.1

    Cool! I will test it next time I invite someone. Thanks!!
  13. zoldos

    Implemented no checking when sending invite e-mail to those already invited!!

    Do you agree it's a good suggestion? :) I've invited over 250 members via e-mail and I have no way to tell if someone has already been invited and just hasn't created their account yet, short of phpmyadmin into the database, but that's rather obtuse. So yes, I highly suggest this feature! :cool:
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