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  1. M

    Solved When use autosubmit it trow this error and do nothing (XF 2.2.0)

    basically the macro addon was working perfect, until i upgraded xenforo to the version 2.2.0, i just start to see these random error on these post message, plus when i try to create a post with macro now it get stuck, i thinkk something with placeholders OK i tested better, only the function...
  2. M

    Solved When use autosubmit it trow this error and do nothing (XF 2.2.0)

    ErrorException: Template error: Macro public:thread_view:thread_custom_fields_status is unknown src/XF/Template/Templater.php:631 Generato da: Tazzina 1 Ott 2020 alle 08:06 Analisi dello stack #0 [internal function]: XF\Template\Templater->handleTemplateError(512, 'Macro public:th...'...
  3. M

    Suggestion Specify auto-move destination to macro

    but with that i have to specify where to move every time i create it, i would like something that do in automatic way
  4. M

    Suggestion Specify auto-move destination to macro

    I would like to see a configurable field on macro where you can specify the the destination topic to move the thread when you execute the macro, is usefull to move the completed stuff to another folder
  5. M

    Solved Macro Support

    I never know about that, thank you a lot for the super-support anyway ^^
  6. M

    Solved Macro Support

  7. M

    Solved Macro Support

    yeah in all bars, as you can see here
  8. M

    Solved Macro Support

    Sorry i tried and it work only if i open a new thread, any advice? i need it work also for normal replies
  9. M

    Solved Macro Support

    Thank you it worked <3
  10. M

    Solved Macro Support

    I having the same issue, permission setup, but i don't see the macro button on text editor (like on XF1)
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