Recent content by Coderax

  1. C

    Suggestion Automatically opt in post macro

    Any update on this? Would love to see auto-enrollment to macros if the permission exists.
  2. C

    Solved After auto-submitting, it doesn't move

    Sure, I'll send you a private message
  3. C

    Solved After auto-submitting, it doesn't move

    Still nothing. I am using auto-submit, is that a problem?
  4. C

    Solved After auto-submitting, it doesn't move

    After the macro is inserted, and auto-submitted on global macros, it doesn't move to anywhere. I don't even get a prompt asking me where I want to move it.
  5. C

    Implemented Add a label to thread

    Disregard this. It's already an option.
  6. C

    Implemented Auto move to sub-forum after post

    Love the update. How about already specifying a category so the user don't have to? :)
  7. C

    Implemented Add a label to thread

    Another suggestion here. How about adding a label automatically to the thread when using a macro. Preferably preset, when creating a global macro, setting it to move to a specified category and giving it a label predefined.
  8. C

    Solved Error on upgrade

    Look at the picture. This is the errors I'm getting after upgrading from 5.1.5 to 5.1.6
  9. C

    Solved Support for variables in global macros

    I can see in your textbox it says {=+Test}, what does this do?
  10. C

    Solved Support for variables in global macros

    I’ll try again and see if I can manage to get it working. Although, what does {=+Test} do? I can see it on the first line.
  11. C

    Solved Support for variables in global macros

    The title is pretty self explanitory. Is there support for variables like thread author on global macros? I can't seem to get it working.
  12. C

    Implemented Auto move to sub-forum after post

    I was thinking when you create either a personal or global macro, you could have the option to move the feed. Like "stick" or "lock". When the "move thread" option is selected, a dropdown will appear, and you can select a category/forum where you want the thread to be moved.
  13. C

    Implemented Auto submit for global macros

    It would be awesome if you could add support for auto-submit for global macros! :)
  14. C

    Implemented Auto move to sub-forum after post

    Is there any chance you could also make it move the thread after submitted macro? I'm running an application system on the forums, and they either get approved or denied. I've used an add-on that automatically moves them to their respective sub-forum when the prefix is edited. Would love to see...
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