Recent content by leoterik

  1. L

    Not planned alert on available invite key (token)

    Please add it fast :c
  2. L

    Solved new bug (newest version)

    Server error log ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Undefined index: code src/addons/XenSoluce/InviteSystem/XF/Service/User/Registration.php:12 Stack trace #0 src/addons/XenSoluce/InviteSystem/XF/Service/User/Registration.php(12): XF::handlePhpError(8, '[E_NOTICE] Unde...', '/home/manasens/...', 12...
  3. L

    Not planned alert on available invite key (token)

    Pls add that the user(s) get a alert on the forum if they get a invite key (token)
  4. L

    Implemented user group on singup

    i already told you guys here :c Support - quuestion on group on singup i rly need the feature that i can select if the new user should get it as main group or as secondary group ..
  5. L

    Solved quuestion on group on singup

    yea already tested it my self.. thats bad can you guys add that the admin can choose as main group or sec group add on invite like this is it pretty useless for me i rly need the feature with secon grouup very bad and fast ..
  6. L

    Solved quuestion on group on singup

    will user get this group as secondary or as main group ?
  7. L

    Solved error msg

    the error comes not from nowere so there need to be a issue
  8. L

    Solved error msg

    idk i cant tell you more :D someone bought a upgrade (default stripe api)
  9. L

    Solved error msg

    Stack trace #0 src/addons/XenSoluce/UserUpgradeDuration/XF/Purchasable/UserUpgrade.php(76): XF::handlePhpError() #1 src/XF/Payment/AbstractProvider.php(172): XenSoluce\UserUpgradeDuration\XF\Purchasable\UserUpgrade->completePurchase() #2 payment_callback.php(63)...
  10. L

    Solved Invite error

    I get this error if someone wanna singup with the invite: no i dont use right now your invite addon but it cause the error and its not even installed do i need to remove the database fields manuell ?
  11. L

    Not planned Upgrade flexibility

    Oh would be great! im waiting for it :) thanks #closed
  12. L

    Not planned Upgrade flexibility

    I would like to see that when a user buys a month, for example, that he still has access to the upgrade system, with the standard stuff you have to wait until the old upgrade has expired before you can buy a new upgrade
  13. L

    Implemented number of invitations per user per month

    i did. do i give the groups extra tokens to use the limit ?
  14. L

    Implemented number of invitations per user per month

    how exatly this works? i typed on the group a numer of invites but it didnt work somehow it says limit reached
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