user upgrade duration

  1. B

    Not a bug Compatibility issue with [XB] Paid Registration add-on

    The duration field isn't showing and I get this error "Please select an upgrade length".
  2. B

    Not planned Remove duration option from purchased upgrades

    When renewing your existing subscription through purchased upgrades, that means you want to renew the same plan so there is no need for duration option, it should automatically select the current active subscription. If the user wants to get a different duration he can select from available...
  3. R

    Solved Call to undefined method

    Error: Call to undefined method XF\Mvc\Reply\Error::setParam() src/addons/XenSoluce/UserUpgradeDuration/XF/Pub/Controller/Account.php:15 Stack Trace #0 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(350): XenSoluce\UserUpgradeDuration\XF\Pub\Controller\Account->actionUpgrades(Object(XF\Mvc\ParameterBag)) #1...
  4. B

    Implemented Add all available durations to the manual upgrade page

    As the title says.
  5. B

    Implemented Filter by subscription duration

    I suggest adding an option in Active user upgrades and Expired user upgrades pages to filter users by their subscription duration.
  6. B

    Solved xs_uud_enable_explain phrase is missing

    As the title says.
  7. L

    Solved error msg

    Stack trace #0 src/addons/XenSoluce/UserUpgradeDuration/XF/Purchasable/UserUpgrade.php(76): XF::handlePhpError() #1 src/XF/Payment/AbstractProvider.php(172): XenSoluce\UserUpgradeDuration\XF\Purchasable\UserUpgrade->completePurchase() #2 payment_callback.php(63)...
  8. T

    Solved Accessed unknown getter 'uuds'

    Duration is working just fine for the first Account upgrade but when creating a second one I get this error: InvalidArgumentException: Accessed unknown getter 'uuds' on XenSoluce\UserUpgradeDuration:uud[1] src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php:194 Stack trace #0 src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php(106)...
  9. L

    Not planned Upgrade flexibility

    I would like to see that when a user buys a month, for example, that he still has access to the upgrade system, with the standard stuff you have to wait until the old upgrade has expired before you can buy a new upgrade

    Add-on [Xen-Soluce] User Upgrade Duration 2.0.1

    A new update is available for [Xen-Soluce] User Upgrade Duration by CRUEL-MODZ. [Xen-Soluce] User Upgrade Duration 2.0.1 Update highlights Note : - New features : Display change. (l0ccy #Suggestion) Now you can turn on/off durations. (l0ccy #Suggestion) Complete Change Log Note : - New...

    Add-on [Xen-Soluce] User Upgrade Duration 2.0.0 Fix 2

    A new update is available for [Xen-Soluce] User Upgrade Duration by CRUEL-MODZ. [Xen-Soluce] User Upgrade Duration 2.0.0 Fix 2 Update highlights Note : - Bug fixes : Call to a member function getIDuud() on array src/addons/XenSoluce/UserUpgradeDuration/XF/Purchasable/UserUpgrade.php:41...
  12. L

    Implemented Turn on and off

    Please add the on and off function like the normal xf upgrade have...
  13. L

    Implemented display change

    hello how can i change from 3 months on the "month" to "months" cuz dosnt make sense to use month on mutible months :D and also Permanent to Lifetime
  14. L

    Solved gift upgrade bug

    users cant gift a sub anymore via the user profil or a post or something pls fix fast
  15. L

    Solved phrase missing you need to add in next update

    this phrase is missing: xs_uud_selected_duration Phrase text: Please select a upgrade length first i added it already just let you guys know, just add it for the next update for everyone :)

    Add-on [Xen-Soluce] User Upgrade Duration 2.0.0 Fix 1

    A new update is available for [Xen-Soluce] User Upgrade Duration by CRUEL-MODZ. [Xen-Soluce] User Upgrade Duration 2.0.0 Fix 1 Update highlights Note : - Bug fixes : Fixed a bug in the upgrade duration. (l0ccy #Report) Complete Change Log Note : - Bug fixes : Fixed a bug in the upgrade...
  17. L

    Solved Duration not available

    sure msg me when you're on + you guys need to fix th the manuel upgrade stuff for each duration and the database also onyl shows 1 mon. pls fix
  18. L

    Solved display fails for duration

    the plugin do not update the time on the payment only the price + you guys need to fix th the manuel upgrade stuff for each duration and the database also onyl shows 1 mon. pls fix

    Add-on [Xen-Soluce] User Upgrade Duration

    A new product by CRUEL-MODZ is available: [Xen-Soluce] User Upgrade Duration 2.0.0 - This add-on allow your to define several durations for a subscription. [Xen-Soluce] User Upgrade Duration 2.0.0 Description Description : This add-on allow your to define several durations for a...

    [Xen-Soluce] User Upgrade Duration 2.1.2 Fix 7

    This add-on allow your to define several durations for a subscription.
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