Solved [Liam W.] Post Macros - Rebuild Issue

Liam's add-ons
Post Macros


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Jul 11, 2020
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I'm getting a message in the Admin CP that says a rebuild job needs to be completed and to click here to finish. It has to do with this addon. I saw something about global macros.

To re-produce it, just create a global macro.

I don't have any global macros setup so this manual re-build message comes up when I make changes elsewhere in the Admin CP.
Because it happens so fast. I did a screen record to see exactly what the text says when having to do the rebuild again. I believe the manual rebuild prompt came up after I adjusted some regular xenforo usergroup settings.

Hope this helps.

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Yes, many customers have reported this problem :( but unfortunately, I have not managed to find the problem, it may come from too many requests to process and so it crashes :(
As soon as I can I'll look again to see if I can find the problem

FWIW, I only have 4 macros setup for my account only and no global macros setup in the admin CP. No one else can use macros except for me.
This rebluid job is only used in permissions, so when you change a permission it runs that
This rebluid job is only used in permissions, so when you change a permission it runs that
OK, I thought you meant there may be too many macros. I know a guy who is really good at creating XF addons. Maybe he can help.

Wait, that's you! ;):p
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Just noticed this in a member's change log. Only Admins have permissions to use this addon. Not sure why a user has an account setting when they have no permission to use the post macros.


Should be fixed now :

Regards, SyTry
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