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  1. S

    Implemented Upgrade/Import data from XF1 XenMoods

    Yes still installd but disabled :)
  2. S

    Implemented Upgrade/Import data from XF1 XenMoods

    Any update about this suggestion? We want to buy it but waiying for this suggestion as we want to upgrade from xf1 moods addon.
  3. S

    Implemented Remove link from user menu

    No need bro I already disabled the template modification as per your instruction. Thanks for the great support
  4. S

    Implemented Remove link from user menu

    Got it (y) Thanks
  5. S

    Implemented Remove link from user menu

    Hello, Is it possible to add an option to remove the link (Required to upgrade) from the user menu? We don't need to display this link in the user menu
  6. S

    Implemented Add uploaded file name

    I can confirm that the addon is working perfect now, exactly like what we need Thanks. Well done
  7. S

    Solved Cannot edit resource

    Will it be fixed soon? :) we cannot use the addon without fixing this
  8. S

    Solved Cannot edit resource

    Yes you are right, only for upload file type I think the addon doesn't consider the exist uploaded file and that's why it is not showing the current uploaded file name and ask you to upload new file
  9. S

    Solved Cannot edit resource

    No it happens when I want to edit resource without upload or change the file For example I just want to edit the title without uploading any new file.
  10. S

    Solved Cannot edit resource

    Hello, I installed the addon and found a bug, we are not able to edit any resource without uploading new file For example, we want to edit a resource and edit the title only or the description, we get this error: Please check
  11. S

    Implemented Add uploaded file name

    Hello, First of all, thank you to make this addon in short time. I am trying it, however, we need to add one more thing. In XF1 addon, when I edit resource, I can see the uploaded file name as shown below: While in XF2 addon I am not able to see the uploaded file name: Is it possible to...
  12. S

    Implemented Edit avatar and Mood icon

    Hello, I noticed that I cannot click on the Mood icon and when I click on it, then I get (Edit avatar) window. Shouldn't we get the moods chooser window when we click on the icon? This is how it works in XF1 addon.
  13. S

    Implemented Enhance error message

    You are the best 👍
  14. S

    Implemented Enhance error message

    Just a small suggestion, in the error message, it is better to write the field name instead of field id because the user are seeing the field name only.
  15. S

    Implemented Auto move the user to upgrade page

    It is fine I will add it as a separate suggestion for your reference.
  16. S

    Implemented Auto move the user to upgrade page

    Sorry my fault, I didn't notice this option Working perfect :love: Just a small suggestion, in the error message, it is better to write the field name instead of field id because the user are seeing the field name only. What do you think? :)
  17. S

    Solved Error: Cannot change display location to (Required to upgrade)

    I see, it makes sense :) Thanks for the great update
  18. S

    Implemented Auto move the user to upgrade page

    Unfortunately it is not implemented in 2.0.2 :( Will it be in 2.0.3? it is very important that the addon will move the user automatically to "account upgrade" page after he filled the required fields
  19. S

    Implemented Move (Contact details) above and rename it.

    I noticed that you already implemented this suggestion in 2.0.2 :) Thanks
  20. S

    Solved Error: Cannot change display location to (Required to upgrade)

    I reinstalled and the error fixed :) Thanks Another question, why there are 2 options to select (Required to upgrade)? I noticed that I must select both of them or the addon will not work.
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