i already told you guys here :c Support - quuestion on group on singup
i rly need the feature that i can select if the new user should get it as main group or as secondary group ..
I get this error if someone wanna singup with the invite: https://prnt.sc/qbjous
no i dont use right now your invite addon but it cause the error and its not even installed
do i need to remove the database fields manuell ?
I would like to see that when a user buys a month, for example, that he still has access to the upgrade system, with the standard stuff you have to wait until the old upgrade has expired before you can buy a new upgrade
this phrase is missing: xs_uud_selected_duration
Phrase text: Please select a upgrade length first
i added it already just let you guys know, just add it for the next update for everyone :)
the plugin do not update the time on the payment only the price
+ you guys need to fix th the manuel upgrade stuff for each duration and the database also onyl shows 1 mon. pls fix
A great feature would be if you can specify for the invite tokens when creating which members should receive a token so let's say someone has been registered for 3 months that should get one but users who have only been registered for 2 months should not get one
You could easily simplify it by...
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