
  1. S

    Suggestion Admin permission for User Upgrade Pro section

    Hello, i would like to have a admin permission to see the user upgrade pro section as i have admins that shouldn't see these info. Best regards zordem
  2. B

    Suggestion Improve alert option when upgrade expired

    The upgrade expiration alert should include an option to alert the user once the subscription expires. The same for the administrator alert option.
  3. L

    Implemented Show to groups

    Can we get a hide for specific groups bbcode?
  4. B

    Implemented Sort by lowest/highest amount and some other improves

    Add sort by lowest/highest amount Add option to edit/delete event transactions or withdrawals Description field should be optional not required Withdrawal is pending #3=>Withdrawal #3 Since the status is already shown in the title, there's no need to add it here. Request withdrawal per...
  5. P

    Not planned SEO Compatability with bobs RMS Addon

    There are 3 Main Inputs with. Bobs RMS Add on . Categories , Brands , Items. Categories are similar to forum nodes. Brands are typically like adding listings related to nike , adidas etc.. And Items are eg. Nike Shoes , Adidas Shoes Etc. After the above Inputs are made Browsers can write...
  6. M

    Implemented Resources Meta Titles

    Is it possible to add also the Meta Title personalization for RMXF?
  7. M

    Implemented Better Meta Titles

    An idea. Is it possible to add in the plugin a better management of the threads meta titles? I mean, there are some short thread titles and some long ones. In my case the name of my forum is long and I would like to add it in the thread meta title at the end. But when the thread title is too...
  8. SyTry

    Implemented Improve Meta-Title and Meta-Description for threads

    Posted by Robert9 at XenForo : 1. It would be really perfect to see both infos (for allowed usergroups) on top of the thread like AndyB has done this for his addon. So it is not needed to edit or watch html-source to know, if title and dexcription are ok. You could optimize that, with the...
  9. J

    Implemented Meta description on threads

    Hello, is there a way to have a global meta description for threads? My team and I we post around ~1.2k threads per day so it's quite time consuming having to write a meta description for every single thread. We already do this with the threads meta-title but not with the description. We want...
  10. P

    Implemented Adding noindex,nofollow to reactions

    Hey Guys, something we should also strongly recommend is to add some feature to manage the reactions Links , to add "nofollow and noindex":
  11. F

    Implemented Exclude NoIndex NoFollow threads, resources, etc. from sitemap

    I bought the addon and i'm testing it. I have noindex/nofollow for specific category and for the resources on that category and on the view-source it shows that. My problem that those resources are included on the sitemap, is this normal? As i know through wordpress cms when we choose...
  12. B

    Implemented Minimum credit to view threads by others

    The Minimum credit to view threads by others should be renamed to Minimum credit to view thread content because it currently functions as forum permission 'View thread content'. And create new permission called Minimum credit to view threads by others to prevent user from viewing threads by...
  13. B

    Not planned Remove duration option from purchased upgrades

    When renewing your existing subscription through purchased upgrades, that means you want to renew the same plan so there is no need for duration option, it should automatically select the current active subscription. If the user wants to get a different duration he can select from available...
  14. B

    Implemented Display a message if there are no transactions

    If there are no transactions, there should be a message says so.
  15. B

    Implemented Transaction creation date

    When rebuilding user credits, the transaction creation date should match the thread, post, or reaction creation date.
  16. B

    Implemented Display a message if the user doesn't have enough credits

    I suggest adding a message explaining to the user how many credits need to perform an action. If the user doesn't have permission to reply. If the user doesn't have permission to view threads by others. If the user doesn't have permission to view threads by others or create a new thread...
  17. M

    Suggestion Specify auto-move destination to macro

    I would like to see a configurable field on macro where you can specify the the destination topic to move the thread when you execute the macro, is usefull to move the completed stuff to another folder
  18. B

    Implemented Add post link to the overlay window

    I suggest adding the post link instead of the thread link so user gets redirected to the post that earned credits.
  19. B

    Implemented Improve widget style

    It would be nice if changed the style of the richest users widget to be like Most threads in members page. No need to display the user title, font size is too large.
  20. B

    Implemented Add style property to disable the credits tooltip

    I suggest adding style property to disable the credits tooltip.
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