Solved Configuring upgrade coupons


Upgrade Coupons
Recurring Subscription
Mar 10, 2020
Reaction score
Here's what I want to do:

1. the main upgrade is a recurring subscription via PayPal @ $129/month (already set up).

2. I want to add a coupon to allow a new subscriber to sign up for the recurring subscription using a coupon so the first month is discounted to $59 but after that s/he is billed the full $129 on a recurring subscription via PayPal.

How do I do this please?
Well, then for a recurring payment, he'll pay normally: $129 no? the first time if he uses the coupon he will pay: $59 and then he would normally have to pay: $129
That's correct. So can you tell me step by step how to set this up?
I haven't done anything yet. I'm requesting instructions before I mess anything up. Basically we have two plans now but that will be reduced to one with a coupon (the current intro plan will be removed).
Well I have to do some tests, for recurring payments, because normally you would just create a coupon and pass it on to the member who uses it and will pay less for the first minus and then he will pay the initial price.
By the way, if doing what I want to do would require some additional coding, this is something requested specifically by the forum owner (I am the tech admin) so I'm pretty certain she would be willing to pay for the feature if the cost is reasonable.
Well I'm checking but for now, I don't have any tricks for that, I'll get back to you if I find one ;)

I found out how to do it, but only for PayPal.
I will surely do this in another addon, and I will only do it for PayPal.

We only use PayPal so that would be fine for our needs. Do you have a timeline for the new addon?

I don't currently have a date, sorry, as soon as possible.

Hello, we are going to share a new add-on for that feature ! ;)

Regards, SyTry
Have you tested the recurring subscription addon for more than 1 month? i.e., where the discount is applied to the first 2 or 3 months?

Have you tested the recurring subscription addon for more than 1 month? i.e., where the discount is applied to the first 2 or 3 months?
the time of the discount will be applied according to the time of the subscription, so if the subscription lasts 1 month the subscription with the discount will last 1 month.

If you had configured the 1 month subscription and you had selected for the first month only, the discount would be for the first month, so you had ticked this: Screenshot

Always, if the subscription lasts 1 month and you had selected for the first and the second month, the discount will be for the first and the second month, so you had to tick both : Screenshot

I don't know if that's your question.

Got this error today when a user purchased an upgrade using the Recurring Subscription addon - the upgrade seemed to go through successfully anyway.

Server error log

    ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Undefined index: couponid src/addons/XenSoluce/UpgradeCoupons/XF/Purchasable/UserUpgrade.php:111

    Generated by: Unknown account Sep 3, 2020 at 7:56 AM

Stack trace

#0 src/addons/XenSoluce/UpgradeCoupons/XF/Purchasable/UserUpgrade.php(111): XF::handlePhpError(8, '[E_NOTICE] Unde...', '/home/localsear...', 111, Array)
#1 src/XF/Payment/AbstractProvider.php(172): XenSoluce\UpgradeCoupons\XF\Purchasable\UserUpgrade->completePurchase(Object(XF\Payment\CallbackState))
#2 payment_callback.php(63): XF\Payment\AbstractProvider->completeTransaction(Object(XF\Payment\CallbackState))
#3 {main}

Request state

array(4) {
  ["url"] => string(40) "/payment_callback.php?_xfProvider=paypal"
  ["referrer"] => bool(false)
  ["_GET"] => array(1) {
    ["_xfProvider"] => string(6) "paypal"
  ["_POST"] => array(28) {
    ["transaction_subject"] => string(75) "Account upgrade: LocalU Forum Access: First 3 Months Intro Special (MKubot)"
    ["payment_date"] => string(25) "04:56:10 Sep 03, 2020 PDT"
    ["txn_type"] => string(14) "subscr_payment"
    ["subscr_id"] => string(14) "I-LS9TUU84WKX3"
    ["last_name"] => string(3) "Lee"
    ["residence_country"] => string(2) "US"
    ["item_name"] => string(75) "Account upgrade: LocalU Forum Access: First 3 Months Intro Special (MKubot)"
    ["payment_gross"] => string(5) "59.00"
    ["mc_currency"] => string(3) "USD"
    ["business"] => string(21) ""
    ["payment_type"] => string(7) "instant"
    ["protection_eligibility"] => string(8) "Eligible"
    ["verify_sign"] => string(56) "A1dMfK646d0RV6veEiv.MQKgunEOA84OKXbBx9PsrtcMRhKHDzZkRIBK"
    ["payer_status"] => string(10) "unverified"
    ["payer_email"] => string(25) ""
    ["txn_id"] => string(17) "52821816AG4235926"
    ["receiver_email"] => string(21) ""
    ["first_name"] => string(5) "Kevin"
    ["payer_id"] => string(13) "CM48NUHCFVCC2"
    ["receiver_id"] => string(13) "NYNW5B28ZZ5SS"
    ["payment_status"] => string(9) "Completed"
    ["payment_fee"] => string(4) "2.01"
    ["mc_fee"] => string(4) "2.01"
    ["mc_gross"] => string(5) "59.00"
    ["custom"] => string(32) "5QepJ_NHGH0b35E3o-urYwuauoecsYhz"
    ["charset"] => string(12) "windows-1252"
    ["notify_version"] => string(3) "3.9"
    ["ipn_track_id"] => string(13) "e34f3602049db"
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