Solved subscription statistics


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Oct 14, 2019
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I have been using the plugin for a few days and I have noticed that the function that indicates the earnings does not correspond to what is indicated with PayPal by a much lower amount.

the monthly report of my paypal account indicates for example 2000€, the plugin indicates 500€

I believe that it is not collecting recurring subscriptions and is only indicating new subscriptions
for example, in paypal I have subscriptions from february 17th, but they are not reflected in the plugin.

it would also be good to add the range of dates in the future to see the projection.

today for example, the plugin indicates that there are only 3 renewals, but I actually have 9 paid renewals on paypal.

Is strange

Yes it can, in fact it's the same problem as for the invoice, basic XF doesn't add new value for recurring subscriptions it means that the subscription and just extend ^^
il serait également bon d'ajouter la plage de dates dans le futur pour voir la projection.

You can change the date and put in the future : Screenshot

I just noticed the same thing and was coming here to mention it.

I think it would be much better to include renewals on the Statistics - Today page just like you do for "Subscription that was taken today" and "Subscription expires today". It's nice to be able to see the username and all the details like amount, start and end dates. I think the data could be pull from this page.

I had a member renew 3 days in advance hence the 3/1/2020 start date.


You can change the date and put in the future : Screenshot

Sure, but you really don't know which dates to pick in the future if you allow renewals many days in advance. You'd be guessing to find the transaction and it doesn't show the usernames.

I can create a page where you will have a subscription list that should be renewed,

But I would rely on the expiration date and check if the subscription in question is recurrent.

I had a member renew 3 days in advance hence the 3/1/2020 start date.
As said previously, recurring or renewing subscriptions do not create new value in the database, it extends the duration of the active subscription.
in the next update, I will create a new table that will store all the ablonnement that extends this, following a renewal or because it's a recurent subscription.

Thanks. Not sure if it matters but I do not offer auto-renewing subscriptions.
Yes, but do you have users who renew before the end of their subscription?

Yes. Members were asking for an option to renew before their user upgrade expired. I used another add-on for a while but this one I like better. You don't need to install other add-ons for it to work. (y)
Yes. Members were asking for an option to renew before their user upgrade expired. I used another add-on for a while but this one I like better. You don't need to install other add-ons for it to work. (y)
Yes, of course.
Yes, so this is the same problem,

Screenshot Here I have created a new page and it will display the list of subscriptions that will expire. But this page goes back to the active subscriptions page : Screenshot except that it is ordered according to the expiration date.

I don't know if that's what you want ^^

I'm not sure. I think the goal is this.

Want to see the list of people who have renewed their subscription today?

Yeah. That way a single page will correspond with daily PayPal notification emails and be easy to cross-reference.

Well, I've made an update, it'll probably fix the problem.

[Xen-Soluce] user upgrade pro 2.1.2 :

Attention :
This will only work with future renewals, which means that in the statistics there is nothing that will change, it is only at the next renewal that it should work.

As I can report here : Suggestion - Recurring Subscription Invoices

Cool, I will update it. Thx!

Let me know when you come out with a Gift upgrade add-on. ;)
Totally cosmetic to be consistent.

Subscription expires today
No subscription expires today
Total: 0
Subscription renewed today
No subscription renewed today
Total: 0
Subscription that was taken today
No subscription was taken today
Total: 0

Let me know when you come out with a Gift upgrade add-on. ;)
It won't be for right away :ROFLMAO: .

Totally cosmetic to be consistent.

Subscription expires today
No subscription expires today
Total: 0
Subscription renewed today
No subscription renewed today
Total: 0
Subscription that was taken today
No subscription was taken today
Total: 0
Indeed, I will change this in a future update. If you can create a suggestion with this, it will be perfect, thank you! Suggestions - Xen-Soluce - Add-ons & Services

How long does it take for the Stats today page to show a member taking a new subscription for the 1st time? It's been about 30 mins and it still says 0 taken today.
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