Solved Registration If the gallery is not displayed

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Avatar Gallery
ok then the error is that the template modification doesn't work for you, I use str_replace and I will have to use: preg_replace.

you could fix the error by modifying the template: register_form and search :

            <xf:passwordboxrow name="{{ $regForm.getFieldName('password') }}" autocomplete="new-password"
                label="{{ phrase('password') }}"
                hint="{{ phrase('required') }}"
                required="required" checkstrength="true" />
and add you:

<xf:include template="xs_avatarGalleryRegister" />
For what is the function because if you can not use it.

It works now but I would like to specify that the user with the Regestrierung an avatar therefore I got me this addon actually.
For what is the function because if you can not use it.

It works now but I would like to specify that the user with the Regestrierung an avatar therefore I got me this addon actually.
had you put pictures in: dtate/galery_arvatar?
ok then the error is that the template modification doesn't work for you, I use str_replace and I will have to use: preg_replace.

you could fix the error by modifying the template: register_form and search :

            <xf:passwordboxrow name="{{ $regForm.getFieldName('password') }}" autocomplete="new-password"
                label="{{ phrase('password') }}"
                hint="{{ phrase('required') }}"
                required="required" checkstrength="true" />
and add you:

<xf:include template="xs_avatarGalleryRegister" />
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