
  1. SyTry

    Solved Error after update to 2.2.16

    Here is the error : Regards, SyTry
  2. T

    Solved account_upgrades template has changed

    Looks like a template mod is not being applied due to the account_upgrades template change in XF 2.2.15
  3. S

    Not a bug Pressing to upload add-on bricked the site

    What it says on the tin. I used the Admin CP to install and instantly got this error: Our site is functionally bricked, even the admin CP is completely inaccessible.
  4. SyTry

    Solved The Open Graph setting for resource categories doesn't work

    From @Excell on XenForo : Regards, SyTry
  5. SyTry

    Solved Error with xs_seo_title in XFRM

    Reposting from XenForo : Link :
  6. P

    Solved Default by XF option missing or not obvious

    Hello, I`m trying to set a proper default option for threads, resources and media items, but I cant find the option at all: Where is this Default by XF defined? As it is right now, when its set to Default by XF, no actual meta tag for robots is added: The tag is just missing from the HTML...
  7. B

    Solved Withdrawal queue doesn't work

    When the user submits a new withdrawal request, it doesn't show up in the approval queue.
  8. B

    Solved Rebuild credit doesn't work

    I get this error when rebuilding any event except reactions.
  9. SyTry

    Support Users aren't able to use moods

    Reposting from @Pepelepew at XenForo :
  10. SyTry

    Support class "XenSoluce\HideBbCode\XF\Template\Templater" not found

    Hello, reposting from XenForo : TypeError: Template public:xs_hideBbCodeThanks error: call_user_func_array(): Argument #1 ($callback) must be a valid callback, class...
  11. SyTry

    Solved Variable %page_number% not working

    Hello, reposting from aisller on XenForo : Regards, SyTry
  12. SyTry

    Solved Plugin incompatibility with Gift add-on from NixFifty

    Hello, reposting from xnfg : Regards, SyTry
  13. SyTry

    Solved Whenever I edit a thread or post a reply the meta title and description disappear

    Reposting from @BobbyUgh at XenForo : I'm not sure if this is intentional or a bug but whenever I edit a thread or post a reply the meta title and description disappear. Add-on is up to date and so is Xenforo. I manually edit meta title and description for threads and whenever I edit the...
  14. S

    Solved Errors after upgrade to PHP v8.0

    Hi, I am receiving the below error hundreds times only if I move to PHP8.0, no errors if I select PHP7.3
  15. SyTry

    Solved Trying to move a thread and getting an error

    Reposting this from @sdev at xenForo : trying to move a thread and getting this:
  16. P

    Solved Sitemap.xml not being Updated properly,Manual meta robot tag marked as "indexed" not appearing

    Gmorning, I've discovered an Issue about the Sitemap generation and this addon: I've created for certain Node -> Advanced Options -> Search Engine Index Criteria: Thread has at least X replies AND Thread was replied to no more than X days ago as follow: I've added a Manual "Index / follow " to...
  17. SyTry

    Solved Template admin:xs_umm_view: [E_USER_WARNING]

    Template errors Template admin:xs_umm_view: [E_USER_WARNING] Function cm_icon_country is unknown (src\XF\Template\Templater.php:1081) xs_umm_view = line 23
  18. SyTry

    Solved Wrong Forum Meta-Title

    Reposting from MarkoRoots at XenForo : Hi SyTry, I have seen that, setting the XF default board title (in a way) and also the board meta title in your plugin, it add to the home page meta title, the meta title (of your addon) more the XF default board title at the end, so is visualized in this...
  19. J

    Solved Problem of characters in Meta-Title on threads

    Awesome, just updated, works just as intended. Now, you know what would make it even better? Custom meta title and description per node. I have multiple nodes and each requires a custom keyword so it ranks better. Also, is it possible to remove the separator from the title? Right now it...
  20. T

    Implemented Folders and Account Upgrades

    Looks like if you allow a user group (promoted by an account upgrade) to create 10 folders for example, (instead of the default set a 5 folders), when the account upgrade expires and they are no longer in that user group, they still have the 10 folders. If they delete a folder, they would have...
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