Question XS Credit System ~vs~ DBTech Credz/Shop?


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Sep 7, 2023
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The ahh, the bloody DBTech Credz/Shop are pretty decent, but gott dang they're always causing/or are related to technical issues.

😄It's never ending.

Lost count of how many times I've had to redo all the set-up, credz & item creation everytime either the Shop &/or Credz crap out.

Most of the developers I've spoken(written) to lately say I should ditch the DBTech add-ons.

But I'm probably addicted to add-ons...I ain't keen on goin' cold turkey...🤣

So yeah, I'm basically lookin' for a replacement.

Was wondering how they compare to the Xen-Soluce Credit System?

Guessing they're quite different aye?
It's like...🤔around midnight down here, and I'm blazed af, about to crash out...🤭 just too lazy to start another thread right now sorry.

Heads-up: So I was checkin' out the Advanced Statistics add-on earlier and one thing led to another—which led to a couple of blunts and next thing ya know...this happened

(🤣Looks like sh_t coz it was originally 65mb >>> compressed down to about 1mb to upload.)

Straight up , I would've bought this add-on already but I didn't know it existed—😃and it's radical!

So I got thinking, how would I promote something like this to a feral stoner with an add-on addiction, who doesn't bother reading computery instructions most of the time and has money...

...😄obviously I'd shove it in my face.

Anyways imma probably buy both tomorrow.

The ahh, the bloody DBTech Credz/Shop are pretty decent, but gott dang they're always causing/or are related to technical issues.

😄It's never ending.

Lost count of how many times I've had to redo all the set-up, credz & item creation everytime either the Shop &/or Credz crap out.

Most of the developers I've spoken(written) to lately say I should ditch the DBTech add-ons.

But I'm probably addicted to add-ons...I ain't keen on goin' cold turkey...🤣

So yeah, I'm basically lookin' for a replacement.

Was wondering how they compare to the Xen-Soluce Credit System?

Guessing they're quite different aye?
Hello, we are using the Shop add-on from DBTech, no problem on our end. For our Credits add-on, tagging CRUEL-MODZ ;)

It's like...🤔around midnight down here, and I'm blazed af, about to crash out...🤭 just too lazy to start another thread right now sorry.

Heads-up: So I was checkin' out the Advanced Statistics add-on earlier and one thing led to another—which led to a couple of blunts and next thing ya know...this happened
View attachment 1862

(🤣Looks like sh_t coz it was originally 65mb >>> compressed down to about 1mb to upload.)

Straight up , I would've bought this add-on already but I didn't know it existed—😃and it's radical!

So I got thinking, how would I promote something like this to a feral stoner with an add-on addiction, who doesn't bother reading computery instructions most of the time and has money...

...😄obviously I'd shove it in my face.

Anyways imma probably buy both tomorrow.

Aha if you have questions, feel free to ask us ;)

Regards, SyTry
The ahh, the bloody DBTech Credz/Shop are pretty decent, but gott dang they're always causing/or are related to technical issues.

😄It's never ending.

Lost count of how many times I've had to redo all the set-up, credz & item creation everytime either the Shop &/or Credz crap out.

Most of the developers I've spoken(written) to lately say I should ditch the DBTech add-ons.

But I'm probably addicted to add-ons...I ain't keen on goin' cold turkey...🤣

So yeah, I'm basically lookin' for a replacement.

Was wondering how they compare to the Xen-Soluce Credit System?

Guessing they're quite different aye?
the credit addon is the same yes and no,
You have events (it's true that the dbtech addon contains more events but of course we can add more), these events allow your users to obtain credit under certain conditions, I can propose you to test the addon on a test site, with this addon you can continue to use the dbtech shop addon.

We don't use the shop addon but ecommerce, but it's true that we've never had a problem with this addon.
Hello, we are using the Shop add-on from DBTech
Hello, we are using the Shop add-on from DBTech, no problem on our end. For our Credits add-on, tagging CRUEL-MODZ ;)

Aha if you have questions, feel free to ask us ;)

Regards, SyTry
😃Ya know that is pretty cool!
I mean, I didn't know the Xen-Soluce Credits System worked with the DBTech Shop/E-commerce... though tbh I ain't never used that particular add-on so far.

Oh, and I'm definitely buyin' the Advanced Statistics add-on.
Imo it's brilliant!
Gonna go do that after replying here.
the credit addon is the same yes and no,
You have events (it's true that the dbtech addon contains more events but of course we can add more), these events allow your users to obtain credit under certain conditions, I can propose you to test the addon on a test site, with this addon you can continue to use the dbtech shop addon.
Frankly, the DBTech Credits - Events are a bit too excessive & imo unnecessarily complex for what I'm using it for—which is essentially just for sh_ts 'n' gigz.

I've just been using it-& a few basic Events for a bit of pointless fun and playing around with gamification....😄 though I gotta admit that none of our members have ever shown much interest in using either Shop or Credits, however we did have an unexpectedly hilarious situation unfold when we first tested 'em back in March last year.

I hired a-(*dodgy af)-technician to install/set them both up, but he apparently went and enabled 'Adjust'—😂for every user group.

So on day two, after install, I woke up-logged in—🤣gott dangit! One particularly funny member had discovered the 'Adjust' function, after which the logs show that he then proceeded to "donate" ever increasing amounts to other members at random....and by the time I found out what was going on, lol, literally everyone had over 100,000,000,000 Credits each, I mean, it was absolute chaos too, with everyone basically running around throwing DBTech Credz at each other like a bunch of hyperactive feral children.

😂 This was legitimately the funniest thing I've ever seen happen on any forum. And logs are even funnier coz ya can almost see the cheekiness beginning as a tiny spark when the member initially stumbled on the 'Adjust' function—and over the next several hours this spark of cheekiness rapidly erupts into a cartoonish firestorm of full blown absurdity.

Apologies, I kinda went off on a random tangent there...ooops...🤭

Alrighty, so back to the primary subject now...🤔ahhh, oh yeah..the Shop/Credz thing.

Umm, ok so you recommend testing it on a test site first aye.

😂Well, about a week ago I terminated my other forum which I was using as nothing but a guide to copy missing XF stock standard template codes or whatever that sh_t is called. Coz apparently I'm a "visual learner" and need to see practically applied examples of things in action for me to actually grasp whatever the thing is, how it's done properly, how it works, and etcetera.

So....😄 I currently do not have a test site unfortunately and to be honest I have never once bothered testing any add-on prior to live site install.

😎 I'm just not a computery inclinded individual irl, though of course I love jammin' out on games, and muckin' about online & doin' all the forum social stuff....but the hardcore mind boggling computer coding stuff melts my tiny brain...😂 it's just completely overwhelming for me.
To me, I honestly think of individuals who can do this incredible computer sorcerery stuff—as being straight up bonafide geniuses!
(Fyi::😄I'm literally classed as a low tier genius(iq142).)

We don't use the shop addon but ecommerce, but it's true that we've never had a problem with this addon.

View attachment 1864
😂Yeah well I'd suspect the primary reason why ya'll ain't had no troubles with the DBTech E-commerce add-on is probably because you guys are actual computer geniuses mate....ya'll actually know what you're doing....whereas myself....🤣 I am without a doubt the most shamelessly ignorant & childish "webmaster" who ever existed.

Try this....•Step #un) Picture Rick Sanchez-from Rick & Morty...

•Step #deax) Next, think of the - Duke Raoul character from the movie - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas...

Step #trois) Throw Rick & Duke into a large blender + add a dash of eccentric Kiwi stoner who doesn't care to learn about doing hardcore computer science subjects and just likes playing with the tripppy computer toys ya'll create...
😂Bonjour, je m'appelle André, alias : CuriousFiend

Thus, as we can all see...

..the reason ya'll ain't had problems with DBT... coz ya'll ain't a crazy person such as little old me🤣

Therefore right now I'm gonna buy Advanced Statistics + Credits System, after which I shall immediately proceed with installing both on a live site already rockin' something like...🤔80 or so add-ons...😁

Yeah, I'm very sorry guys...but I'm probably that one particularly annoying customer...😂👍Merci, à bientôt
Advanced Statistics works mint!
Was just lookin' at the Advanced User Profiles add-on....and apparently I'd bought it at some point already-(*expired now though)-and I'm wondering if I should renew it but I can't recall why I never used it.

Is the Xen-Soluce - Advanced User Profiles add-on something similar to...
😂I couldn't work this one out.
But I think I'm supposed to use it to add some kinda extra user profile widgets somewhere/or, tbh I dunno, maybe it changes the standard user profile drop-down panel thingy...
Almost forgot, hey I don't suppose ya'll might possibly have an add-on that might be able to replace the DBTech Shop's account upgrade items—thematic customizability options?

I mean like, something that would still allow a dipsh_t like yours truly to optionally customize the thread titles/title styles, post backgrounds/postbits & styles?
This is the primary purpose I'm using the DBTech Shop - Items for. Coz I ain't gotta clue about coding stuff. Tried it a few times but ended up breaking the site, absolute disaster. Had to hire people fix it.🤭Fkd if I'm playin' with that stuff again, lol.
Was just lookin' at the Advanced User Profiles add-on....and apparently I'd bought it at some point already-(*expired now though)-and I'm wondering if I should renew it but I can't recall why I never used it.

Is the Xen-Soluce - Advanced User Profiles add-on something similar to...
View attachment 1871
😂I couldn't work this one out.
But I think I'm supposed to use it to add some kinda extra user profile widgets somewhere/or, tbh I dunno, maybe it changes the standard user profile drop-down panel thingy...
Do you have a link to that add-on please ?

Regards, SyTry

Was just lookin' at the Advanced User Profiles add-on....and apparently I'd bought it at some point already-(*expired now though)-and I'm wondering if I should renew it but I can't recall why I never used it.

Is the Xen-Soluce - Advanced User Profiles add-on something similar to...
View attachment 1871
😂I couldn't work this one out.
But I think I'm supposed to use it to add some kinda extra user profile widgets somewhere/or, tbh I dunno, maybe it changes the standard user profile drop-down panel thingy...
No, it's not the same at all. The Advanced User Profiles addon is for the user's profile: you can change the position, order, delete tabs on the profile, and you can also add different widgets to the profile, such as the number of times a user profile has been viewed, an HTML widget, etc. (I can add more if you have any ideas ;). (I can add more if you have any ideas ;) )

For the Credit system addon, I propose to put it on a demo site, so that you can test it before buying it. If you have any suggestions/improvements or bugs, don't hesitate to come back to us ;)

This addon was requested by Blackhat I don't know if I want to say more, he used the DBTech Credit addon, he'll explain better than me why he wanted this addon ;)

We don't have an addon like dbtech's shot (maybe one day :) ). Having said that, the user's credits are considered as "money", let me explain: you have a "credit" payment profile, which means that the user can buy a subscription on your site thanks to the credit he's earned, but you can also use another addon that includes the XF payment system to buy anything (I have no idea :) ), using the credit he's earned.

Do you have a link to that add-on please ?

Regards, SyTry
Yeah I'll go grab it for ya now.

I think this is the file for it.
Do you have a link to that add-on please ?

Regards, SyTry

No, it's not the same at all. The Advanced User Profiles addon is for the user's profile: you can change the position, order, delete tabs on the profile, and you can also add different widgets to the profile, such as the number of times a user profile has been viewed, an HTML widget, etc. (I can add more if you have any ideas ;). (I can add more if you have any ideas ;) )

For the Credit system addon, I propose to put it on a demo site, so that you can test it before buying it. If you have any suggestions/improvements or bugs, don't hesitate to come back to us ;)

This addon was requested by Blackhat I don't know if I want to say more, he used the DBTech Credit addon, he'll explain better than me why he wanted this addon ;)

We don't have an addon like dbtech's shot (maybe one day :) ). Having said that, the user's credits are considered as "money", let me explain: you have a "credit" payment profile, which means that the user can buy a subscription on your site thanks to the credit he's earned, but you can also use another addon that includes the XF payment system to buy anything (I have no idea :) ), using the credit he's earned.

Oh yeah nah I definitely don't care about a substitute/replacement for the DBTech Shop itself.

I'm primarily concerned with how to still be able to customize the threads/posts title styles and stuff.

Ya know, the visual aspects.

Coz I can't code that stuff myself and when I hire people to do this sorta sh_t for me—😂they only ever do a halfassed-partial job and I've never had any of them actually complete any job 100%.

So if I ditch the DBTech Shop I lose the ability to customize these simple visual aspects. Know what I mean?
Alrighty, I may have found an alternative for the DBTech Shop's customizable thematic items.
So I think I should be able to ditch both DBTech add-ons now.

I'm going to use Xen-Solice 'Credits System' to replace the DBTech 'Credits'.

And Apathy 'Style Suite' to replace DBTech 'Shop.

Obviously these are all quite different add-ons, but XS 'Credits System' & AP 'Style Suite' essentially fulfill the primary purposes I'm currently using the DBTech ones for.
Here's the Apathy 'Style Suite' file if ya'z wanted to have a look.

It does seem to do the trick but tbh it could be a lot better.

As far as I can tell, it seems like the developer Apathy is....ahhh😄 I dunno, possibly a bit immature &/or fruity because their site is apparently dedicated to bloody Pokemon.
😂 I can't help being highly skeptical of adults who're obsessed with childish crap like Pokemon.
I've been using the Xen-Soluce Credits System properly for a few days now, while I had used the DBTech Credits for 8-9 months, and my opinion so far is:

DBTech Credits: is pretty good and comes with a bunch of options for various things—however in some ways this is a bonus and yet simultaneously all that extra stuff just makes it all unnecessarily complicated to do certain things....and tbh it can actually be a massive pain in the butt quite often.
Used to take me hours to partially do stuff with this and there was almost always at least 1 or more technical issues relating to this DBTech add-on.

Xen-Soluce Credits System: is also pretty good. It isn't near as jam packed full of options, however it's able to do quite a lot more than ya might initially assume.
And it is just so simple to actually use.
I can set everything up in maybe 20 minutes.

Conclusion: And this is merely my personal opinion of course. I really do prefer the Xen-Soluce Credits System.
If this didn't exist, then I wouldn't even bother using any credits add-on.
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