Solved bypass limit

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Jul 11, 2020
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I set limit to 5 folders for registered user group but can still create more. Tested with my non-admin test account. (if posted in wrong place, please move. thx)

Having said that, it's not normal that you can create 6 if you put 5 or 11 if you put 10, not to mention the user groups, I'm going to release an update.

Yes indeed, but when you have 6 folders you won't be able to create any more.


Yes indeed, but when you have 6 folders you won't be able to create any more.



I was able to create a 7th folder just now. Limit still set to 5 max.

I signed up on your site you had installed the addon on your site or not? if yes can you give permission to the member to create folders


I think I found the issue. Something to do with primary and secondary user groups. I installed on my other site that doesn't use secondary user groups and it works. When limit is set to 5, 6 folders is the max. The option to create another goes away.

I signed up on your site you had installed the addon on your site or not? if yes can you give permission to the member to create folders

I will enable it for you on the site you signed up on but I will need to create a secondary user group for you to test. I saw new registration from France so I guess that was you? ;)
OK, you are all set. Your prim UG is Registered which cannot use the folders at all. Your secondary UG can use folders with a 5 folder limit.

Interesting. It seem to work on that site. Let me test again on the other site.
Yes indeed, XF and based on the largest number, example:

2 user groups A and B

a group A = 0 folder possible
a group B = 5 possible folders

the user has as user group A as primary and B as secondary, he can then create 6 folders

the same if the user has as user group: B as primary and A as secondary.
OK, big oops on my part. My apologies. My test account was in another secondary UG (from testing something a while back) that I set to 10.

I removed it, set the folders to 4 max and 9 max for the two secondary UGs and it is working perfectly. 5 and 10 are the max.
Having said that, it's not normal that you can create 6 if you put 5 or 11 if you put 10, not to mention the user groups, I'm going to release an update.
Also, thanks for making No Folder easily editable with phrases. Your attention to details is awesome!
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