
  1. B

    Solved Users don't receive alert for reactions

    Users don't receive alert when someone reacts to their posts.
  2. X

    Solved 645 Error message

    [E_NOTICE] Trying to get property 'xs_uup_alert_time_active' of non-object 2 minutes ago src/addons/XenSoluce/UserUpgradePro/Repository/ExpiringUserUpgrade.php:45 My error logs is flooded with this error and expired doesn't give alert or email or anything
  3. B

    Solved Registration issue if the add-on is disabled

  4. B

    Solved Events don't support decimal numbers

    This problem with credit and credit for closed threads but it works with the color property option.
  5. B

    Solved Can't select more than 77 nodes

    I get an error when selecting more than 77 nodes.
  6. B

    Solved Rebuild issue on large boards

    I got error 500 when trying to rebuild credits, the same when running cron job. No error generated in AdminCP. I disabled all other add-ons.
  7. CheeseSandwich

    Solved Invite codes reporting as not valid.

    Using the latest version (2.1.6 Fix 1); no server errors.
  8. L

    Solved new bug (newest version)

    Server error log ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Undefined index: code src/addons/XenSoluce/InviteSystem/XF/Service/User/Registration.php:12 Stack trace #0 src/addons/XenSoluce/InviteSystem/XF/Service/User/Registration.php(12): XF::handlePhpError(8, '[E_NOTICE] Unde...', '/home/manasens/...', 12...
  9. L

    Solved quuestion on group on singup

    will user get this group as secondary or as main group ?
  10. B

    Implemented Improve permissions

    I suggest adding a checkbox option to disable permissions by default just like Unlimited option in node permissions. The Minimum credit to view thread content permission prevents the user to see any thread content even own threads so I suggest changing it to be like View threads by others...
  11. B

    Solved Creation date

    Creation date isn't shown in "Modification of credits" tab.
  12. D

    Solved Display Visitor Attachments server error log

    about 400 errors per day Stack trace #0 [internal function]: XenSoluce\DisplayVisitorAttachments\XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html->renderTagAttach() #1 src/XF/BbCode/Renderer/Html.php(295): call_user_func() #2 src/addons/KL/EditorManager/XF/BbCode/Renderer/EditorManager.php(110)...
  13. B

    Solved "By" column showing empty for thread event

    Overlay doesn't display username in "By" column for thread event.
  14. A

    Solved There is a problem registering a new member !! The site does not accept !! Show us an error ??

    There is a problem registering a new member !! The site does not accept !! Show us an error ?? All Add-ons are disabled and the problem still? Oops! We ran into some problems. XF\Db\Exception: MySQL query error [1364]: Field 'xs_is_invite_count' doesn't have a default value in...
  15. N

    Solved Links are Getting Posted

    Hi Support, This link does not get posted - addon works : These links do get posted - addon does not work : ** ( google Please advise and thanks!
  16. B

    Solved Modification of credits

    The "Modification of credits" tab doesn't show up if there are no other tabs.
  17. B

    Solved Error on rebuilding reactions

    On a freshly installed board, an error occurs when rebuilding reactions, this mostly because there are no reactions. I didn't get this error when rebuilding threads, posts and replies.
  18. B

    Solved Reset user credits

    No changes have been made when tried to batch update user's credits to 0.
  19. B

    Implemented Can't set a decimal number

    I can't enter a decimal number in different places, but it's supported for edit user credits. Credit Credit for closed threads Search for users by credits Reset user credit User criteria Color property
  20. B

    Solved Problem with rebuilding posts event

    The transactions created for posts event get removed automatically if you repeat the rebuild process. Steps to reproduce: Create a post Run rebuild for posts event A new item will be inserted in xf_xs_cs_credits_transaction table Rebuild posts event again The item created in step 3 will be deleted
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