
  1. B

    Solved Posts

    Posts didn't get added instantly once its posted like threads and must run cron job.
  2. B

    Solved Transactions were not deleted

    Transactions related to a thread haven't deleted when permanently delete that thread.
  3. B

    Solved event_id gets stored in entity_id and vice versa

    As the title says.
  4. B

    Solved Reactions

    Received reactions didn't get added instantly like posts even when running cron job. You must run rebuild reactions manually.
  5. B

    Implemented Credit display locations

    The add-on missing an option to specify locations where user credits displayed. Profile Postbit
  6. B

    Solved Two minor issues in the event info

    If an event name is not specified, the event will be blank. If an event name is not entered, it must have the default event name. This point should be removed if an event description has not been entered.
  7. B

    Solved Thread & forum URL

    The thread and forum URL doesn't work from AdminCP.
  8. B

    Solved Rebuild post & reply issue

    As the title says.
  9. B

    Solved Negative value

    Negative number can't be entered in different places; user criteria, node permissions, edit user credits and color property. I got this error when editing user credits with negative number. Also, if a user has a negative number, it won't appear in the front-end. It should be displayed as it...
  10. B

    Solved Credits added manually

    Credits added manually don't affect the end result of user credits.
  11. L

    Solved error msg

    Stack trace #0 src/addons/XenSoluce/UserUpgradeDuration/XF/Purchasable/UserUpgrade.php(76): XF::handlePhpError() #1 src/XF/Payment/AbstractProvider.php(172): XenSoluce\UserUpgradeDuration\XF\Purchasable\UserUpgrade->completePurchase() #2 payment_callback.php(63)...
  12. T

    Solved Accessed unknown getter 'uuds'

    Duration is working just fine for the first Account upgrade but when creating a second one I get this error: InvalidArgumentException: Accessed unknown getter 'uuds' on XenSoluce\UserUpgradeDuration:uud[1] src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php:194 Stack trace #0 src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php(106)...
  13. L

    Solved Invite error

    I get this error if someone wanna singup with the invite: no i dont use right now your invite addon but it cause the error and its not even installed do i need to remove the database fields manuell ?
  14. C

    Solved Only Personalized Invitation working

    Only Personalized Invitation working, and Invite page on forum itself says i have no rights to perform this action And all invites created are not working.. tried every configuration i guess.. reinstalled etc. only Personalized invites worked
  15. E

    Solved I have this error in my log

    ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Undefined index: code src/addons/XenSoluce/InviteSystem/XF/Service/User/Registration.php:12 Generado por: Cuenta desconocida 5 Dic 2019 a las 17:01 Seguimiento #0 src/addons/XenSoluce/InviteSystem/XF/Service/User/Registration.php(12): XF::handlePhpError(8, '[E_NOTICE]...
  16. L

    Solved How to remove tokens from the invite list

    how can i remove this section from the invite list? bacause its kinda useless there and also confusing for some guys^^
  17. L

    Solved error message after upgrade

    users cant generatare invites anymore Stack trace #0 src/XF/Mvc/Entity/Entity.php(548): XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity->set('type', 1) #1 src/addons/XenSoluce/InviteSystem/XF/Pub/Controller/Account.php(34): XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity->__set('type', 1) #2 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(350)...
  18. L

    Implemented display change

    hello how can i change from 3 months on the "month" to "months" cuz dosnt make sense to use month on mutible months :D and also Permanent to Lifetime
  19. L

    Solved gift upgrade bug

    users cant gift a sub anymore via the user profil or a post or something pls fix fast
  20. L

    Solved phrase missing you need to add in next update

    this phrase is missing: xs_uud_selected_duration Phrase text: Please select a upgrade length first i added it already just let you guys know, just add it for the next update for everyone :)
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