
  1. SyTry

    Implemented Move the "Disable the settings button on mobile devices" option

    Hello, Just te be clear, I suggest to move the "Disable the settings button on mobile devices:" option : After :
  2. SyTry

    Solved Permission "Can add a instagram account" shloud be removed

    Hello, This option is no longer available, the permission should be removed too : "Can add a instagram account". Regards, SyTry
  3. P

    Implemented Folder Order/Sorting

    Hi, Is it possible to either have the folders auto sort alphabetically or allow the option to set it's order when creating it EX: I have the following. (no folder) Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 When I rename Test 3 to Apple, it would go to the top like this (no folder) Apple Test 1 Test 2 Thanks!
  4. P

    Solved Cannot Edit Folder Name

    Hi, I tried to edit a folder name and got an error. I am able to delete it though. Thx
  5. P

    Site Theme

    I really like the colors and simple layout. I see many sites get cluttered up and navigation is horrible. Great job on keeping it clean.
  6. P

    Implemented Limit Options

    This addon is fantastic. I kindly suggest adding the ability to set the max number of folders a user can create. Either as a global setting in Options or even better, per usergroup. Ex: I could set regular members to x number and site vendors to a higher number. Thanks for your time.
  7. Y

    Question Payment with credit card

    Hi, can't pay add-on with credit card? Thanks in advance.
  8. D

    Solved Error logged but move action seems to complete

    When clicking move message to a folder when viewing the message it logs a server error. It still seems to move the message. Note this is not when selecting the messages from a list and then moving them but when using move when in a message. InvalidArgumentException: Accessed unknown getter...
  9. E

    Implemented possibility of generating more than one token

    I currently have 3 types of Token. 2 for administrators and 1 for registered users. In the case of administrators only 1 token appears to generate. How can I generate invitations with the second token? It would be good to add a list with the available tokens and a small legend to reference...
  10. Limkos

    Question Thousands of outgoing links on my forum

    Hello, I have a forum with thousands of outgoing links How can I make them non-clickable for users with less than 100 messages? Thank you
  11. Limkos

    Solved It does not work in my forum

    It does not work in my forum, users can continue to post link
  12. B

    Solved xs_uud_enable_explain phrase is missing

    As the title says.
  13. X

    Solved It says "total update buy"

    Where can i modify this? it's wrong
  14. B

    Solved The rebuilding process is very slow

    It took two days to rebuild user's credits on a forum with 150K posts.
  15. T

    Implemented User search filter by conditions.

    User search filter by conditions. Just as you can do in the standard "batch update". Eg: User registered between 1.4.2020 and 30.4.2020 then do ... I would like to set users who have not been online since February 20, 2020 to "awaiting email confirmation". Could you implement that?
  16. B

    Solved Node permissions issue

    I received an error when clicking the save button after enabling node permissions.
  17. B

    Solved Users don't receive alert for reactions

    Users don't receive alert when someone reacts to their posts.
  18. X

    Solved 645 Error message

    [E_NOTICE] Trying to get property 'xs_uup_alert_time_active' of non-object 2 minutes ago src/addons/XenSoluce/UserUpgradePro/Repository/ExpiringUserUpgrade.php:45 My error logs is flooded with this error and expired doesn't give alert or email or anything
  19. B

    Solved Registration issue if the add-on is disabled

  20. B

    Solved Events don't support decimal numbers

    This problem with credit and credit for closed threads but it works with the color property option.
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