

    [Xen-Soluce] Service System 2.1.1

    This add-on allow you to setup a page for your services.
  2. D

    Suggestion Title for multible solutions and position of postlist

    Hi, the "Thread Solution" is a very cool Addon and after your help is works greate :) After testing a few posts 2 thinks are missing for me: Option to display the "This Thread has a Solution...." after the first Posting - in my case it could be a global option If you mark a post as solution -...
  3. B

    Implemented Rebuild credits through CLI

    I suggest adding CLI support for rebuilding credits. xf-rebuild:xensoluce-creditsystem-thread xf-rebuild:xensoluce-creditsystem-post xf-rebuild:xensoluce-creditsystem-reply xf-rebuild:xensoluce-creditsystem-reaction
  4. B

    Solved Rebuild issue on large boards

    I got error 500 when trying to rebuild credits, the same when running cron job. No error generated in AdminCP. I disabled all other add-ons.
  5. CheeseSandwich

    Solved Invite codes reporting as not valid.

    Using the latest version (2.1.6 Fix 1); no server errors.
  6. L

    Solved new bug (newest version)

    Server error log ErrorException: [E_NOTICE] Undefined index: code src/addons/XenSoluce/InviteSystem/XF/Service/User/Registration.php:12 Stack trace #0 src/addons/XenSoluce/InviteSystem/XF/Service/User/Registration.php(12): XF::handlePhpError(8, '[E_NOTICE] Unde...', '/home/manasens/...', 12...
  7. L

    Not planned alert on available invite key (token)

    Pls add that the user(s) get a alert on the forum if they get a invite key (token)
  8. L

    Implemented user group on singup

    i already told you guys here :c Support - quuestion on group on singup i rly need the feature that i can select if the new user should get it as main group or as secondary group ..
  9. L

    Solved quuestion on group on singup

    will user get this group as secondary or as main group ?
  10. SyTry

    Add-on [Xen-Soluce] Predefined Tags 2.1.0

    A new update is available for [Xen-Soluce] Predefined Tags by SyTry. [Xen-Soluce] Predefined Tags 2.1.0 Update highlights Note : - New features : Predefined tags for resources (XFRM) Predefined tags for medias (XFMG) Complete Change Log Note : - New features : Predefined tags for...
  11. A

    Suggestion Sorting directories with avatars

    Only feature I'm missing is that I can't sort directories beside directories names. If there would be easier way for sorting directories, would be better. Now my directories begin with numbers, so they are sorted, but it is not elegant solution, though it is working one.
  12. SyTry

    Announcement Discount for COVID-19

    Hello, From today (22/03/2020) at 21:30 and for an indefinite period of time you get a 20% discount on your order from 15€ of purchase. We wish you good health ! (y) This discount is automatic. Regards, SyTry & CRUEL-MODZ

    Add-on [Liam W.] Post Macros

    A new product by CRUEL-MODZ is available: [Liam W.] Post Macros 5.1.3 - Canned responses for all editors. [Liam W.] Post Macros 5.1.3 Description Description : Post Macros 5 is a XenForo 2 compatible major rewrite of my Post Macros add-on for XF 1. Post Macros allows your users to define...

    [Liam W.] Post Macros 5.3.0 Fix 3

    Description : Post Macros 5 is a XenForo 2 compatible major rewrite of my Post Macros add-on for XF 1. Post Macros allows your users to define 'macros' that are available to use inside of the rich text editors on your board. These macros can have 'metadata' assigned to them, allowing them to...
  15. B

    Implemented Improve permissions

    I suggest adding a checkbox option to disable permissions by default just like Unlimited option in node permissions. The Minimum credit to view thread content permission prevents the user to see any thread content even own threads so I suggest changing it to be like View threads by others...
  16. B

    Solved Creation date

    Creation date isn't shown in "Modification of credits" tab.
  17. B

    Implemented Richest users widget

    It should include two options; Maximum entries Display richest users in last x days - screenshot
  18. D

    Solved Display Visitor Attachments server error log

    about 400 errors per day Stack trace #0 [internal function]: XenSoluce\DisplayVisitorAttachments\XF\BbCode\Renderer\Html->renderTagAttach() #1 src/XF/BbCode/Renderer/Html.php(295): call_user_func() #2 src/addons/KL/EditorManager/XF/BbCode/Renderer/EditorManager.php(110)...
  19. B

    Implemented XenForo alert system support

    I would suggest adding support for XenForo alert system so users receive an alert once the event is triggered. Alerts shouldn't be sent when rebuilding users credit. The hyperlink in alert should redirect the user to content id. Thread event You earned X credit for posting a new thread. You...
  20. SyTry

    Add-on [Xen-Soluce] Display Visitor Attachments

    A new product by SyTry is available: [Xen-Soluce] Display Visitor Attachments 2.0.0 - This add-on allow you to let the guest usergroup to view attachments. [Xen-Soluce] Display Visitor Attachments 2.0.0 Description Description : This add-on allow you to let the guest usergroup to view...
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